Found it

I've just found the word 'psychogeography' in a book concerned with site-specific art.

“These attempts to displace the viewer-participant into the site have strong affinities to the Situationist International’s attempts to map the ‘psychogeographical relief’ of the city in a technique adopted from Dadaist practice (Plant 1993: 58)/ Thus, writing of ‘The Theory of the Derive’ in 1956, Guy Debord announced that ‘[a]mong the various situationist methods in the derive [literally: ‘drifting’], a technique of transient passage through various ambiences’ (Debord 1981: 50). Here, ‘one or more persons during a certain period drop their usual motives for movement and action, their relations, their leisure and work activities, and let themselves be drawn by the attractions of the terrain and the encounters they find there’ (Debord 1981: 50 in Kaye 2000: 117).”

I have found numerous instances of the derive, Guy Debord and Henri Lefebvre, but as of yet, was unable to find the 'p'word. My next line of enquiry perhaps should be in Minimalism, Surrealism and Dadaism.


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